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Financial Advisor Magazine Ranks Destiny Wealth Partners Among Top RIA Firms Nationwide

Central-Florida based Destiny Wealth Partners has again been recognized by Financial Advisor Magazine, the 12th time the firm has received this recognition.

“Recognition in such an important industry publication is extremely rewarding, as is the confidence our clients have demonstrated in our team, our processes, our fiercely independent focus, and our ability to grow through a decade marked by both market challenges and rewards,” said Tom Ruggie, ChFC®, CFP®, Destiny Wealth Partners Founder and CEO of Ruggie Wealth Management and Destiny Family Office, flagship firms of the RIA along with Nichols Wealth Partners, Boca Raton.

“We believe our growth reflects our commitment to embracing the fiduciary standards of objectivity, independence and putting clients’ interests first,” said Tom. “Doing so comes naturally, as these are things we believe deeply in and that reflect our core values as a firm.”

FA’s 2024 RIA Survey and Ranking report is an annual survey that ranks firms based on five criteria: 2023 year-end assets; percentage growth in assets from the previous calendar year, average assets per client, percentage growth in assets per client, and percentage change in number of clients, and is the premier industry ranking of independent RIA growth. Financial Advisor Magazine is a major publication targeted to financial professionals and aims to deliver essential market information and strategies to help advisors better serve their clients and grow their firms. There are no fees or other considerations required of RIAs who are considered for this ranking.

“I believe this recognition is another wonderful yardstick by which to measure our team’s success in making meaningful contributions in the financial lives of our clients,” he added.

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