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Ruggie Rule #1: “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” (Video)

Ruggie Rule #1: “If it seems too good to be true, it probably …

Ruggie Rule #1: “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” – Today we kick off our new video series based on Tom’s popular new book “Ruggie Rules for choosing and working with a financial advisor.” Watch this short video where Tom explains the premise of Ruggie Rules and how to avoid financial strategies that are “too good to be true.” To learn more about how to set up an initial free consultation and obtain your copy of Ruggie Rules, please visit www.RuggieWealth.com/ruggie-rules or call us at (352) 343-2700. Ruggie Rules is also available for purchase online at Amazon.com.

Posted by Ruggie Wealth Management on Monday, March 7, 2016

Ruggie Rule #1: “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” – Today we kick off our new video series based on Tom’s popular new book “Ruggie Rules for choosing and working with a financial advisor.” Watch this short video where Tom explains the premise of Ruggie Rules and how to avoid financial strategies that are “too good to be true.” To learn more about how to set up an initial free consultation and obtain your copy of Ruggie Rules, please visit www.RuggieWealth.com/ruggie-rules or call us at (352) 343-2700. Ruggie Rules is also available for purchase online at Amazon.com.

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