Tag Archives: Tom Ruggie

Taking Root: The Story Behind Our Expansion Into The Villages®

tomDid you know that the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States in 2014 and 2015 was not an oil town like Houston or Dallas, nor was it a coastal resort town like Myrtle Beach?

It was a Central Florida Baby-Boomer boomtown called The Villages®, a community which more than doubled its population from 51,442 residents in 2010 to a number that soared above 114,000 in 2014.

In The Villages® community, “active seniors” focus on living their lives, not just observing the years go by. With nearly 45 golf courses, 2,500 clubs and activities, abundant restaurants, shopping, entertainment, and world-class healthcare, this community holds a special charm for many interested in spending their golden years in the glow of the sun.

Not only is the community growing, so is its job base, which has expanded by 186% since 2001, according to Forbes Magazine. In addition, personal income growth, largely from assets owned by seniors, has soared by some 60% since 2000, which is 10 times the national average growth rate of 6%.

In other words, this is a prime location for financial advisors who counsel retirees.

Why, then, was I was so reluctant to take our nationally recognized wealth management process – refined over 25 years of helping hundreds of clients preparing for, nearing, or living out their retirement years – a mere 35 minutes down the road to serve residents of The Villages® community? What powerful force was holding me back from opening an office of Ruggie Wealth Management there?

Once I understood the answer to that question, not only was I able to open an office in the heart of that growth area, but I was able to see the rules I live by professionally take root.

So what did I learn?

For more than 10 years I had watched the actions, protocols, and sales tactics of many financial advisors who counsel retirees in Florida. While a core group of quality advisors exists here, I believe those good advisors get overshadowed by individuals who peddle products that line their own pockets, and do so with little or no regard for the needs of their clients.

It would not be too much of a stretch to say that most Florida retirees in communities could enjoy a free lunch – AND free breakfast and dinner, too – almost every day of the week, courtesy of product peddlers, many of whom call themselves “financial advisors.” And, as we know, there just simply are no free lunches.

In fact, according to a report by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA), and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), called Protecting Senior Investors: Report of Examinations of Securities Firms Providing “Free Lunch” Sales Seminars (Sept. 2007), between April 2006 and June 2007 the Securities and Exchange Commission audited over 110 firms in high-retiree-concentration states such as Florida, Texas, Tennessee, California, and North Carolina. Overwhelmingly the SEC found that many sales seminars advertised as “educational,” “learning workshops,” and/or stating “nothing will be sold at this workshop” were actually simple fronts for sales pitches even when advertisements did not mention any specific investment products.

Perhaps I was getting in my own way. I simply did not want to establish an office in The Villages® community just to see the reputation I’d worked nearly 25 years to build get tarnished by the perception that we, too, were in the same product-peddling business.

What changed?

A little more than a year ago, we consulted a marketing company in California that helps financial advisory firms across the country and asked them to help us fine-tune our message about the financial planning process we walk clients through. Having just hired a new financial advisor, our goal was to put together some marketing materials for the unique, four-step planning process we call Ruggie WealthCare℠.

The marketing company was very excited about our process and the impact it was having on the financial well-being of retirees. They asked how much of our current and potential client base consisted of retirees. They were shocked to learn of our proximity to The Villages® community. What shocked them even more was that, armed with what they called a “fantastic retirement planning process,” we had purposely avoided having a presence in the huge market that was right in our own backyard.

It was at that moment we made the decision to open an office that would serve people from within The Villages® community. We went in committed to providing the financial integrity, benefit, and value the thousands of retirees living in – and moving to – this area deserved. Instead of worrying about being painted with the same broad strokes as the product-peddlers, we set out to paint a whole new picture of what financial investing and advising should be.

3DBookExcerpted from Tom Ruggie’s newest book, Ruggie Rules. To learn more and pick up a copy of the book schedule a free consultation today by calling 352.343.2700. Our advisory team looks forward to meeting with you.

First Quarter Market Review 2016

Tom Ruggie states near the beginning of this video regarding the first quarter of 2016, “If you paid attention to the media, the emotions of the market probably drove you berserk.” It’s accurate to say the Markets in the first quarter of 2016 had a very difficult start. In fact, the first three weeks of 2016 had the worst performance to start the year in the history of the Market.

And although around Mid-February we started seeing a rebound, as Tom points out, “the media profits from sensationalizing any hint of negativity.”

You will want to watch this information-filled video commentary which talks specifically about Ruggie Wealth Management strategy and market news relevant to your investments, Tom shares a positive message about long-term investment strategies and encourages us to not buy into the ‘click-bait’ negative headlines.

Questions? Call our advisory team at (353) 343-2700

“The Buck Starts Here” – Tom and Christopher Ruggie in Healthy Living magazine

Tom Christopher RuggieRuggie Wealth Management President Tom Ruggie and his son Christopher appear on the front cover of Healthy Living magazine published by Akers Media.

In an article titled “The Buck Starts Here,” written by James Combs (Photos by Fred Lopez), Tom shares insights on how he and his wife Kim have raised their children (Gina and Christopher) to make sound decisions and to be intentional with their financial fitness.

This easy to read article provides a refreshing perspective with many practical applications parents will find helpful and encouraging.

Ruggie Rule #1: “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” (Video)

Ruggie Rule #1: “If it seems too good to be true, it probably …

Ruggie Rule #1: “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” – Today we kick off our new video series based on Tom’s popular new book “Ruggie Rules for choosing and working with a financial advisor.” Watch this short video where Tom explains the premise of Ruggie Rules and how to avoid financial strategies that are “too good to be true.” To learn more about how to set up an initial free consultation and obtain your copy of Ruggie Rules, please visit www.RuggieWealth.com/ruggie-rules or call us at (352) 343-2700. Ruggie Rules is also available for purchase online at Amazon.com.

Posted by Ruggie Wealth Management on Monday, March 7, 2016

Ruggie Rule #1: “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” – Today we kick off our new video series based on Tom’s popular new book “Ruggie Rules for choosing and working with a financial advisor.” Watch this short video where Tom explains the premise of Ruggie Rules and how to avoid financial strategies that are “too good to be true.” To learn more about how to set up an initial free consultation and obtain your copy of Ruggie Rules, please visit www.RuggieWealth.com/ruggie-rules or call us at (352) 343-2700. Ruggie Rules is also available for purchase online at Amazon.com.

Check Out The Ruggie Wealth Management Facebook Video Archive

Would you like to see Tom’s quarterly analysis and opinion on the markets? How about learning more, directly from him, about his new book “Ruggie Rules”? You can do all of that by watching the videos we have uploaded and organized on the Ruggie Wealth Management Facebook video archive. The RWM video channel is another resource that Tom and the staff want to provide current and future clients. These videos will keep you current on relevant information that may affect your financial strategy. After watching a few of the videos, let us know what you think!

What Are Ruggie Rules?

3DBookThe Ruggie Rules are the rules I live by professionally and insist my team live by as well. They are not just part of our firm’s culture. They are part of our lives.

Whether you use our services or not, we want you to be able to benefit from the Ruggie Rules. Use them as a basis of comparison before you select an advisor. If you’re considering making a change from your current advisor, use them to develop a checklist or to frame the questions you want answered. I won’t deny that these rules place the way we do business in a good light. Once you understand what’s behind them, we think you will agree that they make companies that adhere to them the types of firms you WANT to do business with.

Ruggie Rules advocate on behalf of investors. In the case of those nearing or entering retirement, they don’t just address growing and preserving your wealth, they look at growing and preserving your quality of life and peace-of-mind throughout your golden years.

To Your Continued Success!
Thomas Ruggie

To learn more about receiving a copy of Ruggie Rules, call us at 352.343.2700 or simply fill out the online form in the sidebar on the Ruggie Rules landing page.

Ruggie Rules #3 – “Experience Counts”

Transcript: “Hi, I’m Tom Ruggie with Ruggie Wealth Management, a local investment advisory firm providing customized financial planning for more than 25 years, here with Ruggie Rule #3 from our latest book.

Experience counts.

Whether an advisor has spent many years in the business matters. Part of the value we bring to our clients is the perspective we’ve gained from working with OTHER clients. You don’t want your advisor using your money to learn on the job.

Call today for your free consultation and copy of our new book, Ruggie Rules. Experience the Ruggie Wealth difference.”

To learn more about receiving a copy of Ruggie Rules, call us at 352.343.2700 or simply fill out the online form in the sidebar on the Ruggie Rules landing page.