Tavares | Winter Park | The Villages

What Are Ruggie Rules?

3DBookThe Ruggie Rules are the rules I live by professionally and insist my team live by as well. They are not just part of our firm’s culture. They are part of our lives.

Whether you use our services or not, we want you to be able to benefit from the Ruggie Rules. Use them as a basis of comparison before you select an advisor. If you’re considering making a change from your current advisor, use them to develop a checklist or to frame the questions you want answered. I won’t deny that these rules place the way we do business in a good light. Once you understand what’s behind them, we think you will agree that they make companies that adhere to them the types of firms you WANT to do business with.

Ruggie Rules advocate on behalf of investors. In the case of those nearing or entering retirement, they don’t just address growing and preserving your wealth, they look at growing and preserving your quality of life and peace-of-mind throughout your golden years.

To Your Continued Success!
Thomas Ruggie

To learn more about receiving a copy of Ruggie Rules, call us at 352.343.2700 or simply fill out the online form in the sidebar on the Ruggie Rules landing page.

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